A viticulturist from the initial screen arrested the police of Satnarkoba West Jakarta for drugs


TRIBUNJABAR.ID, JAKARTA – The initials of the artist and TV program RB stop the Drug Detection Unit of the West Jakarta Police Department

was arrested with a person from the Ministry of Transport (RI Kemenhub).

"We arrested a person who is an officer of Kemenhub RI and an artist with RB initials Both authors are proven in the case of drug abuse," said Erick Frederiz, Jakarta police . Sunday (1/7/2018).

Although not described in detail about the figure and the chronological arrest, said Erick, he will divulge the case at a press conference in West Jakarta Polres Metro Page

" Chronologically, the author's figure will drop him at the Polres at three o'clock this afternoon, "said Erick. (*)

Author: Panji Baskhara Ramadhan

This News dah aired on wartakotalive.com with the title: Police Bekuk Artist and Staff Kemenhub RI because Drugs

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