About Berhijab Decision, Mulan Jameela does not want to imaging


Kapanlagi.com – Mulan Jameela became one of the artists who just emigrated and decided to go to the hijab. The change of appearance this time has certainly managed to distract the attention of the public and the media, especially up to here Mulan is known as a celebrity with a lot of enemies.

Unfortunately, there are still people who have negative thoughts about it Mulan Jameela . Responding to these different comments, the wife Ahmad Dhani finally spoke

"If I want to imitate the intention, I do not think that there is a comment, it's the same thing above, Imaging .It seems too artificial is that people who are so, they are too misguided.People if mikirnya kayak if mah up is, their responsibility for sins, respectively , "Mulan's response to his meeting at the Kemang, South Jakarta, Saturday (30/6).

  Imaging of abstinence Hijab Mulan! © KapanLagi.com® / Agus Apriyanto Hijab Mulan is unbeatable! © KapanLagi.com® / Agus Apriyanto

Through this interview, Mulan also insists that his decision to wear the hijab is 100% complete. He did not care at all because he had to refuse a lot of work because of his changed appearance, the article that Mulan had already thought before.

When asked about his feelings since he was wearing the hijab, Mulan confessed: yes, it's still hot when he's out. "

Although already firmly veiled, Mulan still wore a veil in a modern style.He also can not judge his appearance of hijabers who wear syar clothes." (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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