About Gossip Near With Chris Brown singer, this answer Agnez Mo


Kapanlagi.com – Some time ago, the singer Agnez Mo made some stories after uploading a video showing her intimacy with the American musician Chris Brown. In the short video, both seemed to be hugging and kissing on the shore. Shortly after the video was uploaded, Agnez uploaded a few photos leaning against Brown's chest sitting on the hood. Through the photo, he gave a description of their involvement in a cooperation project and will launch a duet song.

But internet users have already badumed that there is a special relationship between Agnez and Brown. is known to be a teaser of the song Overdose ?

  Agnez Mo? When Agus Apriyanto Agnez Mo? Agus Apriyanto

"Yeah actually the beginning of a lot of post-baseball has the same relational song, if we kepengen post yaa post aja because it's coincidence he also means emmm what we're not right cooperation in this song aja, We also know that we are also friends, so yes, it's a day if we want to post post aja photos, "said Agnez Mo after confirming the event at the launch from Glory 580 DFSK SUV Car to Kasablanka City, South Jakarta, Thursday, July 19. / 2018)

In addition, this 32-year-old woman confessed that since she was involved in a cooperative project, she is close to Brown.They often go out together and say that Brown is a nice person.

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