About the results of the research, Dr. Henri: Is this true Radicalism Enter the mosque?


It is unfortunate that radical accusations are directed only at the mosque and ignore other places of worship. "

<img src =" http://www.hidayatullah.com/files/bfi_thumb/Khutbah-Jumat-di-masjid-BNI-Syariah-Kuningan-Jakarta-by-SYAKUR-DSC_5669-36jn4wy0rmmawc7q7tzuv4.jpg "alt = "Regarding the results of the research, Dr. Henri: Did radicalism really enter the mosque? abdus syakur / hidayatullah.com

[Ilustrasi] Friday sermon atmosphere in a mosque of offices of one of the public enterprises in Kuningan, Jakarta, Ramadhan 1438H / 2017.

Hidayatullah.com – According to the president of the Bambang Soesatyo Chamber, the Pesantren Association and the Development of Society (P3M) about 41 out of 100 mosques in the governmental sector either in state enterprises (BUMN), state institutions or ministries have infiltrated by radicalism can not be considered insignificant

. The conclusions were followed by anticipatory measures

Bambang said that Commission VIII of the House of Representatives in charge of Religious Affairs could follow the conclusions by organizing a working meeting with the Minister of Religious Affairs [19659005] "Invite P3M to seek clarification on some radical infiltrated mosques," said Bamsoet, his nickname, during his release in Jakarta on Monday (09/07/2018) .The Golkar party also called the National Agency counterterrorism (BNPT) and the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) to explore the results of P3M. "According to Bamsoet, the result of P3M research is also a reminder for BNPT, the ministries / agencies (KL) and the public companies to always be wary of radicalism, "said the former chairman of Commission III of the House.

In addition, according Bamsoet, increased surveillance of radicalism d oit also be accompanied by an education on nationalism.

"Ask BNPT, state-owned enterprises, state institutions and all ministries in Indonesia to improve the supervision of places of worship in their environment and to organize activities.

In addition, Bamsoet asked the Ministry of Religious Affairs to periodically provide training and extension to religious leaders and scholars who traditionally teach religious sermons

. "

Meanwhile, responding to the results of the research, Principal Investigator Dr. Henry Saladin MIRKH INSISTS, he questioned him.

" Is it true that radicalism is entering the mosque? "to hidayatullah.com when d (19/09/2010)

Statement by the Speaker of the House of Representatives citing the findings of the P3M Institution that 41 out of 100 mosques in the area governmental, whether in state-owned companies, or in state institutions or ministries, have been compromised radical, he explained, is not really a horrible new news.

"Long before, in May 2003, the newspaper Relief (vol 1. no.2), also studied (read: spy) Friday sermons at ten mosques. In conclusion, that in mosques khatib always teach only the true religion Islam. They do not want to believe that other religions have the same truth. In the back cover of this diary is also a provocative statement: "… why do we charge the atheist for an atheist who is an enemy of God.Although God Himself an atheist."

Although the word Hendri is not denied the existence of radical understanding among some Muslims, it is unfortunate that the accusation of radicalism is directed solely towards the mosque and ignores other places of worship.

"This is a step backwards for the life of a royal nation, and it has asked BNPT, the EPs, state institutions and all the Indonesian ministries to increase the supervision of cult in the environment and to organize activities likely to promote nationalism and to better publicize the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika 19659006] The suggestion that BNPT supervise the place of worship (in this case the mosque) by this President of the House, he added, similar to what happened in Thailand, where several mosques have overseen the army. "And if this is applied in Indonesia it would be a shame," he said.

Rep: SKR

Editor: Muhammad Abdus Syakur

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