About the winning boxes in Makassar, the Interior Minister waits for KPU's calculations


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Interior Minister Tjahjio Kumolo says, will wait for the official recap results issued by the KPU.

Tjahjo was told to respond to fast counting results in Makbadar, South Sulawesi won the empty box.

"We are waiting for the official calculation from KPU before it is still a quick caunt," said Tjahjo at a meeting in Monas Square, Jakarta, Friday (29/6/2018).

On the basis of the results of rapid provisional calculations of several polling agencies, the empty box is superior to the only candidate, Munafri Arifuddin-Andi Rahmatika Dewi (Appi-Cicu) who has received the support of 10 major parties.

See also: Quick Count Pilkada Makbadar, on the sole candidate

When asked about the fact that the final result real account is a superior white from a single candidate, Tjahjo is still waiting for the decision of the KPU

. we do not know it yet, "he said.

The empty box became Appi-Cicu's competitor, after Makbadar's KPUD disqualified petahana partner Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto who was paired with Indira Mulyasari Paramusti (Diami). (19659009) Kompas TV In worldwide practice, only one candidate is present in an area with few voters and one candidate petahana.

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