Activities Roro Fitria in Rutan, Ngajar Dance To Dream Mother – VIVA


VIVA – Since he was arrested for having ordered a shabu on Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018, Roro Fitria must live at the Pondok Bambu Detention Center pending the verdict of judge.

According to his lawyer Asgar Sjarfi, Roro spent time at the detention center teaching art to other participants. "Ms. Roro always wants to be positive." Inside, he taught nari, sings with other residents, "said Asgar after the third hearing on Thursday, July 12, 2018 in Jakarta District Court. South

But sleeping, Roro often dreams of meeting his mother. The sensational artist continues to ask for forgiveness even when his eyes are closed.

"But the condition of Roro drunk is still down every day he brings dreams on behalf of his mother, mom's apology … it's always voiced bu Roro. So, Roro's condition is still down "Asgar said.

Although undergoing counseling sessions with psychologists, Roro seems desperate for his presence. "If an independent psychologist is invited to speak, if on our part, in particular, comrades Bu Roro .But more Roro himself, he just temenan same mom, everywhere the same mom", he said.

Roro looked very devastated should be separated from his mother. Especially at the age of 28 this year, he is still single. "But if we also see, if the dream that he did not call Mom-Mom, but he asked the mercy of the same mom.Because all this time supports Mom just drank Roro.He had no husband, nobody, Roro alone, single "said Asgar.

In a previous trial, it was known that Roro Fitria commanded shabu using ojek online on behalf of his mother, Hj Retno. Roro considered himself a public figure that he did not want his personal numbers to be scattered.

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