Ade Maya friends with Ibn Jamil after the official divorce


ASSEMBLY the judge apparently granted the divorce filed by Ade Maya to the husband, actor and presenter of Ibn Jamil.

Where in their divorce lawsuit was held at the Tigaraksa Religious Court, Tangerang, Tuesday (3/7/2018) Ade revealed that the judge's decision was the same as the granting of the judgment with him.

"He must be sad yeah .. Yeah actually there is no gratitude that's not there," said Ade Maya.

Ade confesses that her name is marriage he did not want to divorce with Ibn. However, due to insoluble conflicts, divorce is the only way to make it even better.

"Cuman has already relieved aja.Good aja, so finally it's done from the extended lah. One of the feelings, Heeem hehehehe (laughing) is already divorced, why not still love or baseball, how, "he said.

Ade said that at that moment he did not want stress the feeling after the divorce with Ibn. He wanted that good relations remain with Ibnu in the future

"Well we are already rich friends just aja ya.Now we are so fat boy ajadeh .. Feel huh ya baseball is, enggak lah.Uploads rich temen wrote hell. "Ade continued, he and Ibn agreed to stifle the emotions to bring up their children who still need the attention of both parents."

"In front there is still life to live, especially since there are children We do not think about our own ego, yes there is an ex-wife or ex-wife -mari, but there is never any child, "says Ade Maya

. Known, Ade Maya filed for divorce in the Tigaraksa religious court Medio April 18, 2018, that the lawsuit received by the court with a given number 1958 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PA.Tgrs

Maya sought divorce through the intermediary of her lawyer, Agus Setiawan, who had previously been prosecuted twice for divorce by Maya at the South Jakarta religious court, March 2017, with the result of the Maya trial aborted by the judges 19659002] Then, on August 4, 2017, Ibn Jamil filed for divorce from his wife at the Jakarta Religious Court South, however, the petition for divorce is annulled because Ibn and Ade are reconciled again.

Where it says, there is peace between Ibn and Ade, so Ibn submits his petition for divorce to the Court.

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