Advantages and disadvantages of extending the Odd-Even system


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The expansion of the odd-even system in Jakarta that began to be tested on Monday (2/7) in several streets of the capital to reap the advantages and disadvantages of the community.

For people who drive motorcycles, the rules are considered a way to reduce congestion. The engine does not include vehicles affected by odd systems.

The odd number rule does not apply to motorcycles, vehicles of the leaders of the Republic of Indonesia, vehicles of officials and officials of foreign countries, military vehicles. In addition, athletes and official vehicles marked by special Asian Games, fire trucks, ambulances and public transport of yellow plates are still free to circulate on the protocol.

However, for motorists, the rule is painful. "As a motorist, I always feel at a disadvantage if there is even a strange extension of the car because the number of vehicles on certain roads is reduced," said Eldy, a runner. engine based in Kuningan.

Eldy said that this policy should be appreciated because if it is applied, he believes that the volume of cars will decrease on the road as he pbades to the office.

Similarly, a motorist Rendi stated to be in agreement with this policy. However, he's wondered about a reason, even strange, to apply on the weekend when traffic flows tend to be smooth.

"Why weekend too, especially a Sunday that is usually smoother from Saturday, does not even have an odd number on weekends," he said. (19459002) According to Rifa, the policy would even incriminate Odd-Affected companies.

He told me that as regulator of his official office car, he had to spend more money because of the rules.

There are only two even and odd cars in my office, and if the Jakarta managers can only use one of the cars and have to rent another car that matches the odd plate or even , and this has an impact on the cost "said Rifa to

Meanwhile, Kadishub DKI Jakarta Andriyansyah said that the pros and cons of this policy is a natural thing.

However, he asked the public to better understand the rule

"Why do we want to continue making jams?"

A number of road sections that will be affected by expansion tests of odd system, such as Jalan Metro Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, Jalan Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Jalan MT Haryono, South Jakarta.

In addition, (19459002)

The socialization of the extension of the rules pairs on a number of segments such as MT Haryono and Rasuna Said Streets debuted this morning by a mixed team Dishub from DKI Jakarta, Police and Satpol PP.

Andriansyah said that socialization was conducted in 49 points across the segment of the Jakarta toll road that will be promulgated on August 1, 2018.

"Each point is guarded by four Dishubs and four policemen. the crucial point that Satpol PP helped, "he said.

Andri explained that socialization is done in four ways, namely by VMS, placement of staff, banners and also the distribution of flyers to road users. This test itself as a reinforcement of socialization

"Because even if we do socialization for a month, we still do not know about it, so we do the scheduling of the trials." This trial is a reinforcement of socialization that we did not do

Appeared the staff of Dishub distributed leaflets to socialize the new regulations on the road users the first day of this trial.

Meanwhile, to Jalan Rasuna Said alone, the traffic has been observed since at 6:00 pm Vehicles whose plates are odd at the even date continue to crush as usual.


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