After 2 years of singles, Siti Badriah finally chooses Krisjiana Baharudin


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Siti Badriah is known to often replace partner mutually. After breaking with Fahmi Jauhari, Siti Badriah was once close to James Thomas and Haydar Ali Assegaf.

But it turns out that Siti Badriah has denied that he can easily move on and that Gonta is changing his girlfriend. He claimed to have been two years menjomlo and only now he is getting closer to a man named Krisjiana Baharudin or who Jian familiarly calls himself.

"Alhamdulillah is not because of him I moved on, but it's been a long time since I moved on but why did he fall to Aa Jian because I found a good figure in Aa Jian, "he said in the region of Gatot Subroto, south of Jakarta, Sunday (1/7).

  Siti Badriah (Seno Susanto /

Siti Badriah (Seno Susanto /

She thinks that Krisjiana Baharudin is the right person for her. The singer of the song Still Syantiek he praised Jian as a figure who has many positive sides.

"Good guy, keep loving ngebanyol, continue to already accept the person I am," said Siti Badriah.

Indni Hadiyanti

Edited by Tubagus Guritno

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