VIVA – The Inspector General of Metro Jaya Police, Idham Azis, claims that his party succeeds in conducting the Ketupat Jaya operation or the security of Idul Fitri 2018. Indicator of success because of the lower crime rate, Alhamdulillah road accidents, all of us in the ranks of the Metro Jaya police are performing the Ketupat operation and everything is working well, safe, smoothly, "has said Idham at the Metro Jaya police headquarters, Friday, June 29, 2018.
currently Polda Metro is still focused on accompanying elections in 2018.
According to Idham, his party is still in the process of to conduct the counting of the elections in Tangerang City and Regency City and District Bekasi, Pilgub Jabar in Depok.
Currently, Idham continued, his staff is still on guard in the region to prevent interference from foreign parties. ernal.
"Similarly with the implementation of yesterday's pilkada election, the TPS (Voting Place) of 15 640 also its implementation is entirely safe and smooth. There is no single incident.KDP is at the district level, the schedule is from July 28 to July 4, "said Idham.
Idham again stated that currently the Metropolitan Police will focus on securing the international Asian Games event to be held in August. he hopes that with the consolidation of the apple held today he will be able to close the limbs to be more intense in securing the Asian Games
"So as chief of the regional police and all the leaders of Kapolres this morning we have gathered all the members to consolidate the apples before waits again.Of these are the safety of the Asian Games, "said Idham.
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