After being raped, a pastor woman was strangled to death


Police confirmed that the woman who was pastor at Nias had been raped before being murdered Post mortem results show that the victim was strangled after being raped.

"The victim died after being strangled by the author." Even in the victim's neck, there was a stifling scar and the victim's (injured) tongue, "said Commissioner Supriadi, who is responsible for the relationship. of the South Sumatra Regional Police, at the confirmation AFPOn Wednesday (27/03/2019).

Because of her strangulation, the victim could not finally breathe and died But before her death, the victim was still raped by known perpetrators of number 2.

"The victim was unable to breathe until he died, the perpetrators were still two people and we are still investigating.We are still under duress because a key witness (a 9 year old boy) is still traumatized," Supriadi said. .

This event began on Monday (25/03) when the victim and his neighbor, Boy N (9 years old), boarded a motorcycle in the OIC. Suddenly, the victim was struck by 2 perpetrators. The victim was raped after being killed while the young man was held prisoner. Around 10 pm, N-boy realized and reported to his parents.

In addition, the victim was found dead Tuesday (3/26) at 4:30 am. WIB in Division III area of ​​PT PSM, Sungai Baung, Bukit Batu. When she was found, the victim was in the bush in a supine and half-naked position.

"The victim was found without pants," said OIC chief of police, AKBP Donni Eka Syaputra, Tuesday (26/03).


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