After having a child, Chelsea of ​​Olivia Attention to Glenn Alinskie Less

[ad_1] – The household cache built by Chelsea Olivia and Glenn Alinskie now enter the 3rd year. Meanwhile, both are still as they were, intimate, harmonious and far from slanted gossip. Chelsea and Glenn were also blessed with a beautiful baby named Nastusha Olivia Alinskie .

The presence of the baby can not be denied so that Chelsea's attention to Glenn is slightly reduced. However, this 25-year-old woman has a simple way to continue to spoil her husband

"After having children, really, watch out for children, if you have children, a sleeping husband, can not love, n & # 39 is not priority, yes, it must be adopted, the husband must keep in mind, "said Olivia in the Thamrin region of central Jakarta on Monday (23/7).

"We, as human beings, are tired and need a lot of sleep, but husbands must be watched and pampered," he added

<img src = "https: / / "border =" 0 "alt =" Chelsea is still trying to keep the harmony with Glenn / Chelsea Harmony with Glenn / Credit: Instagram – Chelseaoliviaa

In addition to giving hugs to show his attention, another thing that is no less important to Chelsea is to take the time to always walk together. As you know, this couple is very fond of traveling to various places.

But of course, the presence of Baby Nastusha makes them unable to travel too far and for too long, apparently there are other alternatives for couple maintains his quality time.

"Harmony and romance s still have and should be, quality time is very important If we have the time, we watch it Nastusha dititipin. So really two hours is very meaningful.Nge-load again (romantic atmosphere), "concluded soap star Nayla Diary it.

Reporter: Rivan Yuristiawan /

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