After Jaik Personal Jet in Malang, Maia Estianty is now traveling to Malaysia


Reporter Report, Sri Juliati

TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM – Some time ago, Maia Estianty could make a splendid citizen.

The reason, for the culinary tour to Batu and Malang, East Java, Maia chose

Not alone, he invites with his two best friends, Yuni Shara and Dita Anggreini or Mey Chan.

Their arrival in Batu, not just for culinary tourism.

But also to see the early childhood school. owned by Yuni Shara as well as at the meeting with the singer of Geisha, Momo.

Satisfied in Batu, they return to their hometown, including Maia who re-travels.

This time, the mother of three flies to Langkawi, Malaysia. ]

Thanks to her Instagram account, Maia uploaded some of her photos to Langkawi

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