After losing to Belgium, his condition is amazing


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – The match between Japan and Belgium in the round of 16 The 2018 World Cup Monday (2/7) local time is still in the spotlight.

This time, Internet users were surprised by the distribution of photos of Japanese locker rooms via Twitter. Pictures taken after Japan lost by a score of 2-3 from Belgium at the 2018 World Cup. The state of the Japanese locker room was somewhat unexpected.

No national team nor rubbish scattered in the locker room Japan. Everything is empty. Japan's national team agreed to tidy up and clean the room.

  The Japanese team has changed the atmosphere of the room. (Instagram)

Japanese team changing the atmosphere of the room. (Instagram)

In addition, the Japanese national team also wrote a special message to the Russian host on a piece of paper. "They left a note saying thank you in Russian," says the account @AmbbadadorHeja.

The national team of Japan netizen action praise. They salute because Japan shows cleanliness as their culture in Russia. "A great honor for Japan," said one of the netizens.

"They lost the match, but have become the main champion of honor and attitude, Japan is a big country," said a surfer. "I am very proud of them Thank you Japan team! another surfer has exclaimed.

Previously, Japanese fans have also stolen the attention of Internet users. They often collect garbage and throw it in special plastic bags during the 19459004 World Cup 2018 match.

(dira / bin)

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