After missing 18 months, Nining will be consulted by the psychiatrist


SUKABUMI, – Regional Regional Hospital (RSUD) R Syamsudin Sukabumi City, West Java will check Nining Sunarsih (52) to a specialist in psychiatry

This step is the result of doctors »Kampung Cibunar , Desa Gede Pangrango, Kadudampit who reportedly disappeared 18 months into the waters of the Sukabumi Sea

"The doctors who treat him advise to be consulted by a psychiatric specialist," said the president of the Complaints team. Wahyu Handriana says Tuesday (3/7/2018) evening

Read also: Hospitalized at Syamsudin Sukabumi Hospital, Nining still can not speak [19659002] According to The revelation of the examination by a psychiatrist will take place tomorrow, Wednesday (07/04/2018) .The letter from the consul of the doctor who treated him was issued by a specialist psychiatrist.

& # 39; & # 39; Yes the exam tomorrow and the result j uga tomorrow, he said,

Currently, he continued, the physical condition of the patients on behalf of Ms. Nining in general began to s & # 39; 39; improve. The examination of body organs is not to worry.

& # 39; & # 39; He started getting into the food, so the blood pressure went back to normal, "he said. Found Congratulations on the Seaside

Kompas TV Post-invention of Nining, a resident of Sukabumi, West Java, previously reported missing for 18 months.

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