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The disease began when there was a measles-rubella injection program at the school where Tiara had studied. At that time, all children received the measles-rubella vaccine, including the victims.
But after a week after receiving a vaccine imported from India by PT Bio Farma (Persero) as a distributor, a curiosity arose when lesions and itching appeared in the victim's body.
"After injecting my child with a cold and beginning to show red spots on the nose until the blood comes out of my nose, mouth and eyes," Ipah said at a news conference. meeting at his home on Wednesday (28/11/2018).
Over time, the spots grew and spread to all parts of Tiara's body. Due to this illness, his condition continued to deteriorate as he had to feel pain, which made it difficult to move as before. Now, he spends much of his daily life lying down because his body has burns and liquid burns like mucus.
Initially, Ipah had taken his child to a health center and reportedly suffered from fungal skin disease. She was therefore transferred to Karisma Cimareme Hospital.
There, the doctor said if his child had measles, rubella. But since he did not want to be hospitalized, he was then taken to a dermatologist in Baros, Cimahi City.
But until now, the illness of her child has not been cured and, for four months, she has never gone to school anymore.
"I could not go to school normally, even though I was in good health, my child was quite accomplished because he was always in the front row," he said. he declared.
Indicated to know if there had been government aid during those four months, Ipah also pointed out that there was no help from the local government. What is also unfortunate is why rubella vaccine against rubella should be injected into the child, because if there is no baby possible, it will remain healthy. and shaped as before.
"Help or explanation of why my child is like that is not there." Even for medical treatment, I sometimes borrow money from my neighbors because each treatment must cost 410 000 rupees, "he concluded.
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