After Sandra Bullock, Kate Beckinsale turns to the & # 39; facial penis & # 39;


London – This unique treatment has been recognized by actress Sandra Bullock. It's now the turn of Kate Beckinsale who accepts the effectiveness of nicknamed treatment "Penis facial treatments" & # 39; it.

Kate shared photos to 2.2 million subscribers on Instagram. selifeall claimed that he had just undergone treatment after a long flight. "After a long flight, I do not like to lay it out and be covered with a clone that does not like it?" the 45-year-old actress wrote.

Kate Beckinsale at the 2018 MET Gala.Kate Beckinsale at MET Gala 2018. (Photo: Andrew H. Walker / Getty Images)

Sure the poster-a person who was removed by Instagram, Kate also claimed that it was the first time that she was trying the procedure. And the results are very satisfying for this British actress.

Previously, the same treatment was also a pillar of Sandra Bullock. "I call it a penis for the face, and when you see it like that, you'll also ask a facial therapist to say, 'give me a penis!'," said Sandra Bullock in the "Ellen DeGeneres Show", quoted by Female First.

By swallowing the cost of 650 USD or 9 million Rp. In one treatment, the latest breakthrough in the world of skin beauty is supposed to be able to make skin look younger and fresher.

Sandra Bullock also applies "penis facials".Sandra Bullock also applies "penis facials". (Photo: Team P. Whitby / Getty Images)

Facial penis is a treatment procedure using the technique needling micro, namely micro-needles applied to the skin to open the pores of the face. When the pores of the face are open, the skin produces more collagen and elastin.

After stinging the skin with micro-needles and open pores, a special serum will be taken from the skin and taken from the skin of a New Korean baby foreskin. Serum is thought to help regenerate the skin more quickly. This Georgia Spa Louise Atelier is growing face care he named the Hollywood Facial Epidermal Growth Facial (EGF) serum.
(dry / dry)

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