Against Transnational Crime, RI-PNG Strengthens Border Management


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Indonesia and Papua New Guinea agreed to strengthen border management in both countries, particularly in the regions of Skouw and Wutung, to combat transnational crime and improve the well-being of society. Retno Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Papua New Guinea, Rimbink Pato, at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thursday, July 19, 1979.

"We have no more border problems With Papua New Guinea, what we are doing now is how the two countries are promoting cooperation in border management to deal with regular cross-border crime across certain borders, "said M Retno to reporters after meeting Pato

. Pato discusses efforts to strengthen border management, especially in Skouw and Wutung, "he added.

Skouw located in Muara Tami district, Jayapura, Papua is one of the border areas of the country. 39, Indonesia directly adjacent to Wutung, Sandaun Province, Papua New Guinea

The government has also built a border market between the two regions, which is expected to be completed in August, with a market of 304 stalls able to support retail traders. the border

A few months ago, the Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimoeljono said that the government even planned to build an Indonesian guesthouse in the region.

Retno also noted the value of Indonesia-Papua New Guinea trade, and we welcome the increase in trade value of the two countries of $ 179.2 million. US ars in 2016 to 208.9 million US dollars in 2017, "said Retno.

In addition to the border cooperation, Retno Egypt also sent a number of Indonesian teachers to teach in the schools of Port Moresby, capital of Papua New Guinea.

On this same occasion, Minister Pato praised Indonesia's commitment to strengthen cooperation in border management.

Pato also welcomes the capacity building of Indonesia so far, which is considered very useful for Papua New Guinea, as a host, to make the title of the APEC Summit in November. (res)

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