Agung Mulyadi: Persib Bandung wants to stick PSM and PSMS wants to stay out of the degradation zone


Report of the Jabar court reporter, Nazmi Abdurrahman

TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG – Persib Bandung will again use the I Wayan Dipta stadium, as a cage against the PSMS Medan, in continuation of the 2018 League 1 competition.

Previously, when he was fighting Persebaya Surabaya, Persib had time to use the United stadium in Bali and had lost 4 to 1 against Persebaya.

Agung Mulyadi, a young player from Persib Bandung, said he did not think about the previous game.

At present, said Agung, the focus is on PSMS Medan.

"Maybe the situation is different now, so we are not leaving the last game, but we are focusing on the next match against PSMS Medan for three points," said Agung, contacted via a Whatsaap message yesterday.

Agung said the match against PSMS Medan on Friday, November 9, 2018 has become an important match for both teams. For PSMS Medan, the victory must be obtained in order to avoid the relegation zone.

Nevertheless, with Maung Bandung struggling to get back to the top of the League 1 standings, which is now hit by PSMS Makbadar with a collection of 53 points, a difference of four points with Persib in second place.

"According to Agung, this game is important for both teams, especially for PSMS Medan who wants to avoid the relegation zone and Persib who wants to stay at the top of the table, so it's an important match. the team, "he said.

Agung considered that, although PSMS Medan is at the bottom of the rankings, PSMS Medan was not a weak team that could easily be defeated.

"We did not see them (PSMS Medan) as a team below, we focused on the win, all the teams that will face Persib have to be more motivated, so we have to anticipate and get three points." , did he declare.

Agung said he would fight to earn three points if he won the confidence of his coach Roberto Carlos Mario Gomez. Because, said Agung, despite his presence in Bali, but for Persib, this match is a home game.

"Agung will fight for the win in this match, especially this match for which we act as a host, even if we play in Bali, we will fight for three points," he said.

Concentration, cooperation and mutual trust throughout the match, continued Agung, became one of the keys to reaching the match later.

"The coach also says to always focus on 90 minutes of the game – we have to work hard, trust each other and work together for 90 minutes," he said.

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