Ahmad Dhani agree with Mulan Jameela's auction clothes


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The artist Ahmad Dhani agrees with the plan of his wife, Mulan Jameela, who wants to auction the stage costume and his clothes discovered [19659002"It'sgoodgoodidea"saysDhaniHeattendedahatetrialintheSouthJakartaDistrictCourtonMonday(07/02/2018)

Dhani hands over the case to his wife. Dhani's words, Mulan's open clothes still stack in the house

See also: Ahmad Dhani: Mulan Jameela is pity I have a cool husband Kayak I [19659002] "There are still many at home" Dewa 19.

Since returning from a religious tour of the country in the Middle East, Mulan has decided to dress more closed. Mulan himself is considering bidding his clothes.

If not auctioned, the possibility of clothing will be sold directly or given the singer of the song "Wonder Woman" is

See also: Ahmad Dhani Mulan Jameela Makin (F, b , e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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