Ahmad Dhani Create a singing competition


Dream – Ahmad Dhani returns to public discussion. After his case in social media brought him to the realm of the law, now the head-mounted man did a singing contest.

This contest may not be the cause, Dhani was called by the title # 2019 Replace the President on the song. In this contest Dhani will filter the competitors who have good performances.

"We have a team for the committee for 2019 Replace the President Idol, but we are afraid to make it easy to make it easy, 2019 Change the President singing contest So we are doing a singing contest" We are going to value professionally ", has recently declared Ahmad Dhani at his residence in Pondok Indah, south of Jakarta

   ahmad dhani

Photo: Akrom / Kapanlagi.com

"We appreciate a professional appearance. They are their voices. We will be less one. Fill in the vowels. Professional, live in camera, large studio. The vowels can be Diceritan. The important thing is good and nice to hear, "he added

Dhani said that there are no specific criteria for participants who participated in this contest, everyone can do it, as long as they can sing, whatever the creativity and any interpretation that we submit to the participants.The age has no limit.The grandparents were also allowed, said Dhani


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