Ahmad Dhani holds the singing contest song # 2019 Replace the president, first winner of Rp 112 million award


Journalist Tribunnews.com, Bayu Indra Permana

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – The musician Ahmad Dhani held a singing contest titled # 2019GantiPresiden Singing Contest. Participants who participated in the contest were invited to sing the president's # 2019 replacement with the grand prize of Rp 112 million.

Ahmad Dhani and the organizers have also prepared a series of other lucrative prizes for 2nd, 3rd and favorite champions. Umroh package for two people

"The price is 112 million rupees for the first prize, the second prize umroh package for 2 people, third prize 30 million, champion's favorite 20 million," said Ahmad Dhani at his Residency in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta Friday (29/06/2010)

Ahmad Dhani recounts that all the hadianya money is a joint venture of the organizing committee, except the package for the umroh package it there are sponsors.

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"Our joint venture, everything here is a joint 10 million If the umrob package is d & # 39; 39 a travel agent, he says two first, so the gift is fluctuating if, "said Ahmad Dhani.

The Dewa 19 group also explains the clbadification of participants who can participate and how the badessment is made.

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"The candidate can therefore be male or female soloist, second group, third duet or trio.All the musical genres we receive, including dangdut, reggae, keroncong, clbadical, hip-hop, can be appreciated, "says Ahmad Dhani

" Then the participants download songs on Youtube and we judge which viewers the most. Will count the virgins until 1 January 2019, "he added.

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