Ahmad Dhani reported the persecution case to the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The music artist Ahmad Dhani arrived at the Criminal Investigation Agency of National Police Headquarters, Central Jakarta (10/19/2018), to report the persecution case which happened to him in Surabaya, East Java.

Arriving at 3:10, Dhani would be accompanied by his lawyer, Aldwin Rahadian. He brought evidence in the form screen capture photo of the person to report and other evidence.

Speaking to reporters, Dhani admitted that he needed to report a case of persecution that he had known.

Read also: Lawyer: Ahmad Dhani Like Criminalized

"As a victim of the persecution, I have to report." The purpose of my reporting is to prevent people from doing so, to express their opinions and aspirations, "Dhani told reporters before entering in the Bareskrim building.

Earlier, Dhani was rejected by a group that rejected the 2019 declaration of the president's statement in Surabaya on August 26. Dhani makes a vlog.

At that time, he was arrested at the hotel because of the mbadive rejection of the 2019 presidential change statement that was holding an action in front of the hotel.

As a result, Dhani can not join the 2019 reporting group. Change the president around the Tugu Pahlawan monument in Surabaya.

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