Ahmad Dhani sentenced to two years in prison, Maia Estianty has already revealed her attitude to the problems of her former husband – All Pages


Ahmad Dhani sentenced to two years in prison, Maia Estianty has already revealed her attitude to the problems of her ex-husband

Instagram collages @ ahmaddhaniprast / @ maiaestiantyreal

Ahmad Dhani sentenced to two years in prison, Maia Estianty has already revealed her attitude to the problems of her ex-husband

NOVA.id – The case of statements of anger that underpinned the name of Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo had been the subject of a verdict on Monday in the South Jakarta District Court (26/110).

As a result, the prosecutor read the verdict that Ahmad Dhani was sentenced to a 2-year prison term, as reported by Grid.ID.

Maia Estianty has already expressed her attitude if she learned that Ahmad Dhani had been hit by a disaster like what?

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This was revealed by Maia Estianty at the 2011 Just Alvin event.

Maia Estianty then claimed to still love the figure of Ahmad Dhani, despite many problems that revived their domestic lives.

"I like him as my teacher, he has already had a bed together and he hears that there is nothing, I'm still" sorry, "so," Maia said. Estianty.

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The marriage of Ahmad Dhani and Maia Estianty, who has been united since 1996, has failed in 2007 after being hit by a wave of domestic violence and infidelity.

Feeling the pain in the storm of her house with Ahmad Dhani, Maia Estianty apparently still retains her affection and compbadion for the ex-husband when he is caught in a complicated problem.

It is known that Ahmad Dhani was surprised in a case of hating language through his Twitter account.

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Article 45 letter A paragraph 2 junto 28 paragraph 2 of law number 19 year 2016 Junto law number 11 year 2008 concerning ITE junto Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

NOVA's best friend Maia Estianty is still worried if Ahmad Dhani comes across a problem. (*)

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