AHY's Victory in the East Java Elections for Important People


– Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono considers East Java as a success story in setting up Serentak 2018 elections.

In fact, says AHY, once calculated, the number of voters in the political party carrying Kofienda-Emil about 42%. Still overtaken by his competitor, Gus Ipul-Puti Guntur Soekarno

Although based on the votes recorded by the KPU to date, Khofifah-Emil winning 53.63 percent. In contrast, according to AHY, there is an increase in the number of constituents.

On the other hand, he does not see a change of voice of about 11.6% of the serial number pairs 2 that pbad to the number 1 pair.

It s. is also a valuable lesson in political contestation to come, including in the 2019 elections, "said AHY at Khofifah's residence Sunday (1/8/2018).

If calculated quantitatively, if the number of political parties is greater constitutive or electoral, the paslon should have big capital to win.But the result may be different or not match

"Once again returned to figures and figures named or worn by political parties We are grateful for Ms. Khofifah and Emil for a meaningful voice and support (19459002) Read also: Congratulate, AHY forward SBY's message to Khofifah-Emil

Of course, society can not be forced when el he prefers a certain character than any other character. The similarity of vision, mission, character, ability and integrity is called AHY as one of the decisive factors of the election.

Therefore, the existence of a figure is very important in political protest. But the synergy of all the political parties of the bearer, the winning team of volunteers and supporters and other elements must be a unit in this fight. "Political parties are certainly important to convince the party's machines to effectively help the paslon gain votes, including the spirit of the people who will vote," he explained.

AHY hopes that this victory can be a great capital in the direction of East Java over the next 5 years, mainly because of the great support of all residents of East Java

"Together, let's get all these results," [19659002] Khofifah Indar Parawansa added that the arrival of AHY at his residence was part of the strengthening so that the government administration needed strong partnership between the executive and the legislature The legislature is a representative institution of political parties

"The commitment of the party escort to keep it is very important, the commitment of the other political parties of the DPRD to get closer makes Java Is more ava The values ​​of Soekarwo are important in the victory of Khofifah-Emil

Reconciliation, according to Khofifah, is considered an important part of the meeting of East Java

"The challenge of the Pilgub is over We must enter the challenge Each of us must build the best possible achievements in all sectors, "he added

Kompas TV The Democrats transport 17 Candidates in pilgub at the election simultaneously.

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