Airlangga and Romahurmuziy prepare the consolidation Win Jokowi


Jakarta – United Development Party Chairman Muhammad Romahurmuziy and Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto hold a meeting the day after the 2018 regional presidential election. the coalition party's consolidation to win Joko Widodo or Jokowi in the 2019 presidential election.

"We are building a joint agreement to jointly prepare the consolidation of Pak Jokowi's 2019 party," said Romahurmuziy at the bureau of the PPP of the PPP, Jalan Diponegoro, Menteng, Jakarta (19659002) Read: Golkar opens a coalition opportunity with the Democrats Win Jokowi

Romi says the consolidation is about to begin while the candidates in the presidential elections are approaching, August 4. Previously, he said that there would be two important agendas, namely the maturation of the coalition of Jokowi holders and the determination of the candidate vice president who will accompany the incumbent.

Airlangga Hartarto admits this consolidation. He said that his visit, in addition to the relationship, also shows the similarity of views between Golkar and PPP.

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The political capital and elektabilitas of Jokowi to meet the challenge of the presidential election. He said that the increase in elektabilitas must be followed by concrete measures of the coalition parties. Communication with Jokowi, he said, will be done more intensively.

The Minister of Industry continues, the coalition still opens opportunities for other parties that want to join. He said the coalition would not be in a hurry to make decisions. "Based on past experience every last minute," he says.

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Nevertheless, Airlangga says that there will be a mechanism followed by the coalition party of Jokowi it There is now no change. Today, the parties that have declared support for Jokowi are Golkar, the PPP, the Nasdem Party, the Hanura Party and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Wrestling.

"The president and chief executive of the party tried to establish a protocol or an agreement the front is broken again," says Airlangga.

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