A number of pbadengers continue their journey to Suranda Airport in Juanda.
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, STATE – Many pbadengers who were originally going to use airplanes headed for Gilimanuk Harbor, in Jembrana District, after Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. temporarily closed. Surveillance at the port that connects the port of Ketapang, Banyuwangi District, East Java, some pbadengers said that they were planning to board an airplane
"Because tomorrow my Child must have arrived in Jakarta, Surabaya, "said Ngurah Rusna, one of the pbadengers of the Tabanan regency when he was met at Gilimanuk Harbor on Friday (29/6).
The same thing was delivered by Indira from Jakarta who was to arrive at the capital as soon as possible. alternative. He had planned to fly to Jakarta on Friday afternoon, but as Gusti Ngurah Rai airport was closed, he decided to take the land route to Juanda Airport [19659003] "Forced to take the road to Surabaya, open, I do not know when to arrive," he said.
Pbadengers who must go to destination must also give up the airline tickets that they have. They have bought Despite the flow of pbadengers considering boarding an aircraft at the airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai, the current situation of vehicles and pbadengers in the port of Gilimanuk is still fluid with PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry which operates 32 vessels n, t, s)
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