Aji Santoso plans to pause the Lamongan Lamongan Performance Influence competition


Aji claims to have never seen Arnaud play and seated in performance.

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The coach Persona Lamongan Aji Santoso evaluated the break of the competition to give effect to the performance of the adoptive children during the defeat Arema FC 1-0 at Kanjuruhan stadium yesterday afternoon.

Aji said, Persela and Arema played balanced for 90 minutes. Only, he saw the touch of the ball between the players is even less because of the effects of holidays are too long. The performances of two foreign players, Loris Arnaud and Diego Assis, also contributed to the influence.

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"In fact the game went pretty well.We applied tactics with the above pressure in the first half until the second half around the 75th minute But we conceded in an unexpected way altogether, but that's football, "beber Aji.

"The state of our players seems less fit, especially the two strangers, Arnaud and Seated, I have never seen them play like that, it's what prevents us from having The odds are also minimal, it's just that there is a situation where Arif [Satria] throws the ball but hits the Arema player, and becomes a goal. "

" Indeed I predicted it, because when the game is over old, and I was also in the first practice is not in place because it follows the course. "

D & # 39; On the other hand, Aji has also been ready to evaluate all of his adoptive children to host the second round, especially with regard to adding players.

"We'll see, there are still the last three games against Samarinda, Bandung and Madura, and anything can happen, whether it's radiation or additions," added Aji.

"Everything will still be evaluated, even though we have now done it.We admit that there is still a shortage of players in certain positions, especially in the front. We have Loris and [Ghifari] Faiz who are still very young and need flying hours. "(Gk-48)

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