Ammar Zoni disembarks for Irish reasons Bella disconnects from Giorgino Abraham and tells the girlfriend of a friend of Nikung


SURYAMALANG.COM – Ammar Zoni dismantled the reason why Irishwoman Bella broke up with Giorgino Abraham, who indirectly dismissed the issue of "boyfriend of friendship".

Revealing the reason for the separation of the Irish Bella from Giorgino Abraham had indeed profited from the charges brought against Ammar Zoni, who has just been officially engaged to Irish Bella on 12/12/2019.

Through the Ngopi Dara program, released Monday (February 18, 2013), Ammar Zoni revealed in detail the relationship between Irishman Bella and Giorgino Abraham before finally falling into the hands of Ammar.

As is known, the relationship between the actor Ammar Zoni and the Irish actress Bella had first surprised the audience.

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Wants to be a legitimate wife, Irish Bella prays to dare to watch Ammar Zoni of this temptation, there is a ban: no stop
Bella wants to start daring to look at Ammar Zoni in this temptation: there is a ban: no stop (

The reason, the proximity of the two celebrities was almost inaudible, but suddenly, Ammar Zoni had asked the Irish Bella on the set.

The parents of Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella also praised the good intentions of their children.

In fact, Ammar Zoni and Irish will be getting married soon.

However, many consider that both are involved only in the love affair of the place.

And Ammar Zoni is considered a "corner bend" because Giorgino Abraham, a former Irish Bella, is a close friend.

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Irish Bella and Giorgino Abraham Ammar Zoni
Irish Bella and Giorgino Abraham Ammar Zoni (

Before deciding to establish a relationship with Ammar Zoni, Irish had already had a love affair with Giorgino Abraham.

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