Anang Hermansyah decides not to go to Pileg 2019


DEPOK, – The artist Anang Hermansyah decided not to pursue his political career. He said that he would not go forward in the upcoming parliamentary elections of 2019.

"Next year, I will not continue," said Anang during opening Asix chicken food stores in Pondok area, Depok, West Java, Saturday (14/7/2018)

Anang claimed to want to return to the profession that raised him. Namely as a singer, songwriter and music producer.

"Whatever it is, I hope it will be healthier, I will come back to become an artist again, but in fact, yesterday, it is still an artist."

See also: Anang Hermansyah does not consider a deputy

Anang's decision not to continue as a member of the House because of a family petition

L & # 39, wife, Ashanty, said he and the children asked Anang "We are asking the family not to continue in the DPR because it was last year of Mas Anang because Mas Anang went yesterday in the House of Representatives to get the Permusi Act to Prolegnas, "says Ashanty

" Alhamdulillah after decades of entry yes, Mas, although maybe people do not see but what he did these five years Alhamdulillah there are results, "he continued.

However, Ashanty said, Anang himself He wants to continue his political career.

"He (Anang) wants to keep fighting, but our family is asking to become an artist again." Anang was elected to the House after winning the vote in East Java Dapil IV of the National Mandate Party ( PAN) to Pileg in 2014. He sits as a member of Commission X with the field of application: education, youth, sports, tourism, arts, and culture.

See also: Anang Hermansyah supports Via Vallen reports the badual harbadment that strikes

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