Ani Yudhoyono: First lady can not practice politics


Ani Yudhoyono was Deputy Chairman of the Democratic Party

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Former First Lady Ani Yudhoyono said that the 6th President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) gave the signs the mother's state is not a practical policy. For this reason, when he started as first lady, Ani Yudhoyono resigned from his post as vice president of the Democratic Party that he had detained for two and a half years.

"I should not just be concerned about political parties." Ani Yudhoyono in the launch of the book "Ani Yudhoyono: 10 years of heart trip" in Jakarta, Sunday (8/7).

In addition to not practicing politics, the signs of SBY at that time are not involved in business. take time and attention. In addition, SBY also supports him to carry out activities that are considered positive, inspiring and useful.

Ani Yudhoyono pointed out the most important task as a first lady must be in addition to the president to encourage and support morale and help maintain the president's state every day. "In total, I was the first lady," said Ani Yudhoyono

. In the book, the woman who has just turned 66 revealed turbulent and emotional things that required physical and mental strength. working in the 539-page book

On the occasion, SBY confirmed what his wife said about the signs she gave and helped his wife formulate her own best and best things relevant. "I say that the important thing is not business and politics, the badociation of wives of ministers and deputy ministers, the ranks of the cabinet of different circles and political parties are many, so be free from any practical politics, "said SBY

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