Anies about the bamboo flag: this is our people


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan responded positively to the initiative of residents to install bamboo poles to support the flag of the 2018 Asian Games participants.

Anies a ordered all the urban village chiefs of Jakarta "I ask all village leaders to help people who have initiatives to host the Asian Games, do not be arrested and even less lowered," said Anies to Senayan, in central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 18th.

Anies calls the use of bamboo as a flagpole to be used by Indonesian society

"This is our people," he says.

Besides, says Anies, bamboo is also a typical Indonesian plant that is often used by society.

In addition, Anies said that the use of bamboo is precisely appreciated, because the tru juice indicates whether the Indonesian people does not depend on simple industrial production.

"If this continues the tradition, leveling well-being, and simplicity it may be part of Jakarta."

Previously, a number of officers in charge of public infrastructure and facilities (UPPS) in Penjaringan, North Jakarta, had removed a number of Asian flags installed with bamboos.

Anies then made a memo ordering his ranks to reinstall the removed flag.

" Through this memo, I ask him to be rebadembled. Please make sure of the safety and cleanliness, "said Anies in a memo received Wednesday (18/7). (Gil)

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