Anies So Chief of the APPSI Economy


DKI's responsibility for development in Indonesia is quite central.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan is inaugurated as President II – Economic and Welfare Division of the Association of the Indonesian Provincial Administration ( APPSI) by the Minister of the Interior Tjahjo Kumolo. The appointment of Anies was made through the decree of the President of the APPSI number SK-008 / APPSI / V / 2018 on the improvement of the management of the APPSI [19659003] "The responsibility of the provincial government of DKI Jakarta is large enough in Indonesia's development because it is central to all development activities, including in the area of ​​the economy and well-being "said Mr. Anies. Provincial intergovernmental cooperation will continue through the APPSI. The provincial government of DKI Jakarta, in collaboration with other provincial governments of the country, can create synergies in order to maximize the potential and diversity of the region, and enhance cooperation in the form of mutually beneficial partnerships .

To this end, the provincial government of Jakarta is also working with 12 districts and cities around Jakarta to support development in Indonesia. In this way, the harmonization of relations between the central, provincial and interregional governments will be established.

"We have done so far this year, up to 269 billion rupees (financial badistance from the provincial government of Jakarta) for the areas around DKI Jakarta (Jabodetabekjur), and we will continue, and I am also president of the Government Cooperative Agency Regions composed of 12 municipal and provincial governments around DKI Jakarta, "said the Governor.

See also: Minister of the Interior: Anies Baswedan Governor of Indonesia

Tjahjo Kumolo previously emphasized the importance of APPSI's role in Indonesia's development. For many things that need to be cooperated between provincial governments in Indonesia. Interior Minister Tjahjo said the biggest role is in the provincial government of DKI Jakarta.

"It is the importance of this forum (APPSI) to give contributions, many things (disinergikan) related .. The most serious is Mr. Anies, Mr. Anies is the governor of DKI Jakarta, but yes (also) "governor" Indonesia, "said Tjahjo.

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