Annex 8 Representative of hosts in Indonesia Open Quarter Final 2018

[ad_1], Jakarta – The hosts placed eight representatives in the quarter-finals Indonesia Open 2018 . The big match of the 8th round will take place in Istora Senayan Jakarta, Friday (6/7/2018) from 12.00 WIB.

The doubles and mixed doubles sectors have the most representatives with each of the three representatives, followed by a female doubles and a single gentleman

Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon, Alfian Fajar / Muhammad Rian Ardianto, and Berry Angriawan / Hardianto. The mixed doubles sector is represented by Tontowi Ahmad / Liliyana Natsir, Hafiz Faizal / Gloria Emanuelle Widjaja and Ricky Karanda Suwardi / Debby Susanto.

The men's only leaves Tommy Sugiarto, while the women's doubles hope in Greysia Polii / Apriyani Rahayu.

Tontowi Ahmad / Liliyana Natsir goes down first. The world's number three pair will face double China, Zhang Nan / Li Yinhui. Meanwhile, Kevin / Marcus will fight Denmark double, Mads Conrad-Petersen / Mads Pieler Kolding.

In the quarterfinals, Fajar / Rian was waiting for China's 2017 world champion pair, Zhang Nan / Liu Cheng. Dawn / Rian recorded a 1-0 lead in a record meeting with Zhang / Liu. At the 2017 Singapore Open, Dawn / Rian won 21-18, 21-19.

"Zhang / Liu opponents, they were world champions last year, so they have more experience We will try to enjoy the game, confident and more focused," said Fajar [19659003] Here is the schedule of the host representative in the quarterfinals Indonesia Open 2018 .

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