Announced tomorrow, SBMPTN Claims Committee this year much better

[ad_1] – Joint Result of the Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN) 2018, will be announced, Tuesday (3/7) tomorrow. SBMPTN Central Committee Chair Ravik Karsidi says this year's selection is much better.

"In general, this year is much better, no leaks, technical services are also increasing, allegations of fraud have been anticipated". The number of SBMPTN participants this year has also seen a significant increase, which is about 8 percent. This year was the first time for an Android based selection test with 1,000 participants. "

Ravik said that the selection held at the University of Padjadjaran is going well.He said that there is an opportunity to be added again next year. Similarly, the computer-based test (UTBK) has also increased.

If last year the number of participants who followed UTBK up to 22 thousand, this year rose to 25 thousand. UTBK , he added, will also be added, according to the print-based test plan (UTBC).

"The trend should be like this," continued the rector of the UNS [19659003] From 860,001 participants SBMPTN 2018, 160 thousand more.This number has also increased compared to last year.Also, if participants who pbad the SBMPTN are not re-registered, can be transferred to the independent path.

Vice Rector I University SEBELAS Mars (UNS) Surakarta, Sutarno added, especially for UNS, the number of candidates received by the SBMPTN is 3100. They are divided into 10 faculties and 66 courses

"Compared to last year, the number of candidates received by the SBMPTN line has increased. new, that's the science of the environment, "he explained. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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