Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic husband


Officially becoming the wife of Habib Usman bin Yahya on August 26, 2018, the beautiful presenter Kartika Putri has reduced her activities to the screen. As we know, Kartika colored various television shows of the country with its playful and humorous nature.

Always looking for intimate and modest relationships with her husband and the children of Usman, Kartika has just announced this happy news for the community. Yes, Kartika told netizens, via social media, that she was pregnant, guys. So it's a special thing for Kartika and Usman: let's look at their intimate moments from the beginning of the marriage until now.

1. Being a good mother, Kartika seemed very familiar with her stepchildren

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

2. After going through the ups and downs of romance, who would have thought that Kartika had changed radically since she became Usman's wife?

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

3. The good influence of the husband made Kartika more religious

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

4. It's legal, Kartika always writes beautiful romantic phrases about her download with her husband.

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

5. Her ideal husband, Usman, known for being pious, often takes Kartika to various beautiful countries.

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

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6. Their intimate union finally paid off

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

7. Honeymoon in the Holy Land until the Umrah is finally reunited, a baby was given to Kartika

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

8. Through her account on social media, Kartika thanked her for the child she designed

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

9. Kartika also asks for prayers for the health of her baby and for herself until childbirth

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

10. This happy news is certainly welcomed with enthusiasm by relatives such as Nabila Syakieb, Mulan Jameela and April Jasmine who congratulate

Announcement of pregnancy, 10 portraits of Mesra Kartika Putri and her romantic

Congratulations yes to Kartika Putri! Hopefully the baby still has healthy stomachs Net surfers have been eager, of course, to see born a new niece online.

Read also: 10 Portraits of Kartika Putri and Mari wedding their holidays in New York, more and more sticky!

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