Jakarta – Artist Reza Artamevia mentions that the total sentence of 20 years on Gatot Brajamusti is unfair.

Reza Artamevia
"He did not get justice just," said Reza Artamevia when found Grid.ID in Cipete, South Jakarta , Friday (07/13/2010).
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According to him, there is a legal disability What happened in Indonesia and happened to Gatot Brajamusti
"There must be some flaws in Indonesian law," says Reza Artamevia.
Previously, Reza Artamevia who was a spiritual disciple of Gatot Brajamusti had witnessed in the case of Gatot. The total sentence of 20 years in prison Gatot Brajamusti is the accumulation of three cases that imprison him, namely possession of drugs, immoral cases, and cases of possession of firearms and protected wildlife.
For information, Gatot Brajamusti had a mild stroke. Some parts of his body can not be moved to require him to be hospitalized and unable to attend his advanced trial concerning the possession of firearms and wildlife
Deceive and Persuade a boy of 16 years old. Gatot Brajamusti was found guilty of deceiving and persuading a 16-year-old child to want to have bad with him.
At a trial held in Jakarta District Court on 24/4/2018, Chief Justice Irwan read the chronology of Gatot Brajamusti. (19659005) As a first step, CTP is offered the support of management and is brought to Kemang to be presented to the defendant's band and drill up to 3 hours
"After the practice of strike 3 in the morning, the accused was already in the bus and the witness of the CTP boarded the bus, "says Irwan
while Gatot Brajamusti was trying to kiss the CTP but did not want Because Gatot had a wife, a CTP witness, but did not want to, the witnesses courted before, and the witness's lips were kissed, so the defendant pulled out a bong and contained jinn's aspirates or food. "[19659014"TheCTPwitnessdidnotwantandalwaysrefusedThedefendantdeclaredtheappearanceofthelandofthejinnsThentheaccusedkissedthewitnessThewitnessadmittedtohavingbeenhypnotized"saidIrwanatthehearing
In addition, the Chief Justice read another timeline on February 11, 2007. At that time, the CTP was called to Mermaid Cottage. ] "CTP hugs the accused from behind.The victim has made a shirt and pants.When the defendant wants to touch, CTP does not want because he is not married. accused said, "Well, we're getting married now."
Gatot also explained to the CTP that there are five conditions of marriage, namely the groom, the bride, the Kabul consent, the witness, and the guardian [HowevertheCTPstilldoubtswhetherthemarriageislegitimateornotbecausethereisnoguardian
Gatot Brajamusti then instigated the CTP by saying, " Four on one wins a mana? "Then answered by the CTP" earns four "
for 200 US dollars .CTP finally agreed to marry Gatot's version, then have bad for one hour
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