Answers of the family concerning the religious differences Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara

[ad_1], Jakarta Questions of religious difference become another area of ​​society in the midst of happiness Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata become husband and wife. Many say that secret marriage ties in Bhutan are a way to avoid gossiping about the main problem.

At a press conference Sunday (15/07/2018), Dimas Anggara and Nadine both agreed reluctantly. respond to the problems that have recently erupted. Meanwhile, the family did not want to worry about religious differences between the couple who were happy.

Mischa Chandrawinata, Nadine's younger brother says, in every marriage, the difference is still there. The most important thing for him, Nadine and Dimas have a vision to live the house that inclines towards happiness.

"I am neutral yes yes, the differences must exist.No need to be in terms of religion, the principle may also be different." Says Mischa Chandrawinata, Sunday (15/07/2018).

The lover of Jessica Mila also adds, no matter what her religion, that every wedding, including Nadine and Dimas, remains God's intervention.

"We all know that we have only one God, one God, and whatever the difference, no matter what obstacles they encounter, I'm sure God is going certainly intervene in their relationship, can be properly directed, it will be guided, "he said.

The Happiness of Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara

Therefore, the twin brothers of Marcell Chandrawinata also advised the public to do not continue to talk about the difference of principle with his brother Dimas Anggara. More importantly, nowadays, Nadine and Dimas Anggara have become married couples with the permission of Almighty God.

"Do everything over there Dimas Anggara and Nadine Chandrawinata ) who walk (get married), let them put their own lives," concluded Mischa Chandrawinata .

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