Anthony and Marcus are helpless against mathematics and law


Jakarta – In total, 17 badminton players have pbaded the test of future civil servants (CPNS). Anthony Sinisuka Ginting and Marcus Fernaldi Gideon were tired of working on issues of mathematics and law.

Liliyana Natsir, Ahmad Tontowi, Mohammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo and Marcus pbaded the CPNS test at the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) building in Jakarta on Wednesday (28/11/2018) .

Anthony, Jonatan Christie, Greysia Polii, Nitya Krishinda Maheswari, Apriyani Rahayu, Debby Susanto, Ricky Karanda Suwardi, Ruselli Hartawan, Hafiz Faizal, Rizki Amelia Pradipta and Della Destiara Haris also took part in the ceremony.

They had the opportunity to become public servants after winning at the 2014 Asian Games in Incheon, the 2015 Singapore SEA Games, the 2016 Rio Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the 2017 Kuala Lumpur SEA Games, and the Asian Games. from 2018 to Jakarta and Palembang.

For Anthony and Marcus, the opportunity has become a unique experience for them. Anthony learned from his brothers before taking the test.

"The test is quite difficult, but if I do it without burden, there are a hundred questions, multiple choices and a difficult choice, ha ha ha, thanks to the government for its attention and appreciation to the outstanding athletes", Marcus said in a statement from PBSI: detikSport.

"Previously, my sister had been interviewed by my family about the CPNS review and she was also aware of it, which was the most difficult problem in law because I did not not memorized the contents of the article and the verse.The math problem was also quite difficult, hopefully, the results my exam is good, "said Anthony.

Other than that. eight other winners will be followed by a follow-up exam. Fajar Alfian, Muhammad Rian Ardianto, firman Abdul Kholik, Panji Ahmad Maulana, Berry Angriawan, Hardianto, Gregoria Mariska Tunjung and Fitriani are still in Gwangju for the 2018 Korea Masters tournament.

(fem / nds)

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