Antibiotic resistant bacteria found on the space station | INews Portal


CALIFORNIA, – Scientists from the US Space Agency, NASA, have discovered the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria on the International Space Station (ISS). The bacterial strains are found in the formation and toilet area of ​​the ISS.

The presence of Enterobacter bacteria at ISS is a concern for the agents. But, because various pathogens can put astronauts at risk.

Five strains were isolated from the ISS training platform and toilets during a study on bacteria living on the space station. NASA co-researcher JPL badyzed five strains and compared them with more genomes than a whole thousand Enterobacter on Earth.

All have genetic similarities to three Enterobacter bugandensis strains of the Earth that can cause health problems for infants and people with weakened immune systems.

Scientists have discovered that five strains of the ISS were not malignant. Therefore, strains do not pose an active threat to human health.

With the help of a computer model, the team determined that the strain had a 79% chance of causing illness. However, additional research on live animals is still needed.

Quote Slash Gears, On Wednesday (28/11/2018), researchers have yet to determine the impact of the space environment of the ISS on bacteria.

Publisher: Dini Listiyani

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