Apparently, HP Snatcher General Manager of the Ministry of PUPR based in Orange Tents


JAKARTA – West Jakarta Metro Police revealed a large group of writers who were operating in Jakarta. The revelation of the group was the result of the development of the arrest of A and FY, two alleged mobile phone cups General Manager of Construction Construction Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (UPPR) Syarief Burhanuddin

The Jakarta Police Chief Hengki Haryadi said the two suspects Teluk Gong, North Jakarta

"From this point of entry revealed something very worried and it is beneficial for us it turns out that it's a big union in Jakarta.The group has always gathered in Gong Bay.In the place they call the orange tent, "he told the metro police of West Jakarta, Jalan S. Parman, West Jakarta, Friday (29/06/2010).

Hengki explained members of the Orange Tent spread group in the capital region. Each morning they meet first in the headquarters before performing the action. Afternoon until evening Hengki continued, members of the group gathered again to lay the proceeds of crime

"Lami has caught 5 other groups, but is still developing to meet the existing evidence On the basis of this suspect, they are in an average group every day doing the action five times, "he said.

He added that the Orange Tent Group is headed by someone with the initials N who is still pursuing him. Hengki added that five members of this group were also arrested.

"We have detected his big boss, we will continue to pursue him, because of this jambret coordination operating in Jakarta, this group is a lot," added Hengki.

The modus operandi used varies, said Hengki. A group can consist of one to four engines depending on the target of the victim.

Read : This is Mobile Director's Acknowledgment of Mobile Snatcher from the Ministry of Construction of PUPR)

"As the victim Syarief is only a motorcycle." But there is also has 3 engines in mode up to 4 engines, for example korbanya who rides bajaj.The suspect keeps his right hand to the left, behind the shadows so that any pursuit is blocked.There is also 3 engine 2 mepet (part ) behind the shadow. ": A policeman kills the death 1 Snatcher of the Director General of Construction of the PUPR)

In addition to prosecuting a suspect, the police also targets the capture of property belonging to the crimes of the tent group This orange (ikbal / yp)

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