Appear in 2018 World Cup, Intip Story 2 Indonesian Children This


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – Indonesia might not be able to send its national team this time at the prestigious 2018 World Cup. But there are still some Indonesian representatives on the international scene. Indonesia was "represented" by two children, Raina Premiera Gumay and Maula Alvaro Son Ario Bimo. The 9-year-old boy was chosen as an escort player during the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

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Raina is the second in the program of the FIFA World Cup, 2018 FIFA World Cup in Indonesia, hosted by McDonald's Indonesia, the official restaurant of the 2018 World Cup in Russia. Through this program, two Indonesian children between the ages of 6 and 10 will be the football companions before the start of the game.

In a press release received by Tempo on June 26, 2018, it is explained that Raina and his father were left Jakarta for Moscow. , Russia, June 11, 2018. Raina follows a series of 2018 programs of the 2016 FIFA World Cup Russia. Raina then played in the opening match between Russia and Saudi Arabia who will take place on June 14, 2018.

Raina with 21 other children from different countries (Russia, Romania, Colombia, Greece, Thailand, China, Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia) visited the beauty of the city of Moscow, introduced with a brief history from Russia, and tried typical Russian food. In addition, they also followed the clbad of Escort Master Player.

They learned the basic techniques of playing football and also made a friendly match between escort companions who finished the series with the score of 2-2. Towards the opening day of June 14, Raina and other escort players were invited to the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow to do the exercises before the opening match without being accompanied by the parents. Raina's day has arrived. At that time, Raina had the chance to walk outside the Luzniki stadium by badociating with Alan Dzagoev who is in the midfield position of the Russian national team

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"As I joined Alan Dzagoev, I just smiled, happy, moved, proud and very grateful because I was the Indonesia's luckiest boy, as he could be part of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. For my Indonesian friends feel a valuable experience like me, do not be afraid to dream and pursue your dreams Introduce Indonesia to the world because I am proud to be an Indonesian child, "said Raina

. Another moment of pride is the name of Raina and the name of Indonesia. on the giant Stadium Luzhniki screen.Rolla feels to be the luckiest child of Indonesia because q Experience is a unique experience in a lifetime. Finally, Raina's dream of representing Indonesian children and meeting directly with international football players can be realized, especially since the team he owned, namely Russia, was successful. to win the match with a fantastic score of 5-0 against Saudi Arabia. there is also Maula, who became the first ambbadador program champion. Maula will be the companion of the players in the final of the 2018 World Cup that took place on June 15, 2018.


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