Appearance of the iPhone 9 form

[ad_1] – The closer to September will be the time of introduction of the new iPhone line, leaks on these devices are moving more and more.

One of them comes from the Netherlands, a fictional image top three-dimensional iPhone 9. This phone is allegedly a cheaper version of the iPhone X with a larger screen size, which is 6.1 inches against 5.8 inches on the iPhone X.

The fictional image of designer Jonas Dahnert shows the side facing the 39 iPhone 9 is similar to the iPhone X. On the upper side, there are fringes that charge the front camera.

The rear view of the two devices is slightly different, with the iPhone 9 having only one camera. The iPhone X, on the other hand, has a dual camera arranged vertically.

  The back side of the rendering image of the iPhone 9 (left), juxtaposed to the iPhone X. Jonas Dahnert / 9 (to left), juxtaposed with the iPhone X.

However, as a summary KompasTekno of BGR friday (6/7/2018), this rendering image may not to be entirely accurate because rumors circulated earlier mentioned that the iPhone 9 will be equipped with an LCD, not OLED like on iPhone X.

The iPhone X may have a thin frame because Apple leans the screen to the side to hide the control panel display.

Meanwhile, the LCD screen can not be folded so that the "chin" of the iPhone 9 is thicker than the look of this personalized image.

In addition to the iPhone 9 which is expected to be cheaper, Apple should also launched a direct successor of the iPhone X. The successor device is going to be equipped with a panel of в # <в panneau < OLED display. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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