Appeared on the surface, Arapaima fishermen are arrested at the Surabaya River


– Arapaima Gigas fished by residents of Sungai Kali Surabaya, Tuesday morning (3/7/2018).

Residents sank when fish appear on the surface of the river's water.

Afrizal Akbar, activist of the Consortium for the Environment who participated in the arrest, said that two river fishermen were looking for fish under the bridge of Gunung Sari Surabaya Gate

" Then the villagers catch the fish "

Read also: The Mojokerto keeps 30 fish Arapaima at home

The predatory fish captured by the villagers measured 30 kilograms and measured 1.5 meters long [19659007"ThefishhadbeensecuredinthepondandthentakentothepostattheFishQuarantineOfficeatPasarPuspaAgroSidoarjo"hesaid

Of the 18 Araipama fish released in the Brantas River, the fish caught by locals this morning was the 17th fish. "Jad J I have yet another fish that has not been caught."

See also: KKP Open Arapaima Gigas Fishing Station in Surabaya

Fish were hunted by people since June 25th. Some of the captured ones were consumed by the residents.

The Araipama Gigas fish whose original population on the Brazilian Amazon River would be destructive of fish populations in the Brantas River due to its predatory and invasive nature.

Although the Brantas River flows by environmental groups, it is conceived as a fish sanctuary.