Apple is preparing a big update for its home card application

[ad_1] – Compared to other more mature map apps like Google Maps, Apple Maps is still pretty full of "holes". Its beginnings a few years ago were not perfect because of the different problems.

Realizing the shortage, Apple is working to improve Maps. The company wearing this bitten apple said that the last four years have been spent on redesigning Maps.

The trick is to collect data from iPhone users and to use an automotive mapping fleet with similar sensors. Maps "

" We want to take this (Maps) to the next level, building data from scratch, "said Apple Vice President Eddy Cue, who is now in charge of processing the maps. KompasTekno

TechCrunch To maintain privacy, the mapping data captured by Apple cars is encrypted, then artificial intelligence is used to blur the faces of people and plates. If the card data looks unusual, Apple sends a team to check the location.

Up to now, the Apple card has been seen moving into the United States and in Great Britain, but it is not known in which country the cars will travel.Google has already done the same thing, including for the outposts in Indonesia.

Read also: How to use a special road for motorcycles in Go ogle Maps

Thus, Apple is trying to use the first-party data that it collects (19459006) Reuters indicates that the company will still use third-party map data from TomTom. It's unclear how much Apple is using TomTom map data on new Apple Maps later.

Various data collected were claimed to make Apple maps more detailed and accurate, including in terms of displaying information on roads and locations, as well as landscapes and building sizes, in addition to Display more relevant search results. more sensitive to changes on the map, for example when a road is closed due to a repair.

The planned new version of Apple Maps will be launched with the next beta iOS 12. All previous versions of iOS will follow to get a similar update from Google Maps. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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