Apple must recruit grandmother, what's up? – VIVA


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VIVA – Technology giants like Amazon, Alphabet and Apple have created devices that are perfect for helping Americans get into aging. For example, the tech company provided a voice badistant that helps the elderly.

However, the observer believes that the company believes it has invested a lot of resources to meet the needs of older users. In contrast, global technology companies serve the millennial users, who are their biggest markets.

According to CNBC's report on Friday, June 29, 2018, the trends of the devices that still lead to generation Y must change. the elderly should start attracting the attention of companies around the world.

Regarding the way older observers encourage the technology industry to hire people who understand the needs of the older generation. In other words, technology companies must hire an aging American

"This is a fundamental weak point for technology companies," says one of the founders of Aging 2.0 , Katy Fike.

Aging 2.0 is a group that helps entrepreneurs take care of the needs and interests of seniors.

According to Fike, companies should consider recruiting and interviewing more grandmothers than grandparents. The reason, women tend to make longer decisions than men.

The average age of American workers is 42 years old. According to the Payscale research group, the average age of workers on Facebook is 29, Google's 40, Apple's 31 and Amazon's 30.

With voice badistants like Alexa, Siri, Cortana and Google Assistant, chatting naturally. Technology has been created to provide answers and information that users need.

  Parents, Seniors "title =" Parents, Seniors "/> </p>
<p><strong>  Effect of Democratization </strong> </p>
<p>  A veteran technician, Michael Skaff, who is currently <em> chief of staff. Exploitation </em> Jewish Senior Living Group says that the voice badistant has a "democratizing effect." </p>
<p>  People who have never used <em> smartphones </em> may be at home. According to Skaff, the product can be used in the long run.Seniors usually prefer the voice badistants to greet them after pressing the setting button, rather than having to rely on it. </p>
<p>  Voice badistants also have shortcomings for those who are hard of hearing.His voice should be adjusted.For example, the Amazon Echo tends to be used by older people to control temperature changes (thermostat), to turn on or off lights. </p>
<p>  Older users typically use voice badistants to access the needs that require them to go up and down stairs. </p>
<p>  With regard to the elderly who have hearing problems, the company has prepared Alexa Captioning. The tool will display an Alexa answer in a screen text. </p>
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