Apple presents the iPhone 5G next year

[ad_1] – If you talk about rumors about the iPhone, the technology badyst Ming-Chi Kuo is of course the champion. He managed to predict a series of rumors that eventually led to the truth.

This time, by launching The Verge, he predicts that Apple will launch the first iPhone 5G by 2020.

Initially, Apple had planned to release the iPhone 5G by 2020 with an Intel modem chip. But once Apple and Qualcomm reconcile, Apple now cooperates with Qualcomm with the same release schedule. Finally, Intel finally produces no more 5G modems.

Apple alone has spent more than $ 4.5 billion to settle his case with Qualcomm. All this in the interest of securing the cooperation of the 5G modem in the future.

Well, if Kuo's prediction is correct, two new iPhones with a standard size and a maximum size will carry the 5G. While the less expensive variants that are equivalent to the current XR, will continue to use LTE or 4G, but will carry the OLED screen leaving the LCD screen that is still embedded there.

In addition, Kuo said that all iPhone models will have 5G connectivity by 2021, and Apple will have managed to develop its own 5G modem that will be integrated on the iPhone in 2022 or 2023.

However, of course, Apple is a little behind in the introduction of 5G phones in 2020, since all competitors such as Samsung, Huawei, OnePlus and Xiaomi have now released 5G phones. [idc]

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