Arapaima Fish Restore Found in Surabaya, Length 2 Meters and Weight Reaches 50 Kg

[ad_1] | SURABAYA – The fish of Arapaima Gigas reappeared and arrested people in the river Brantas Rolak Surabaya. This time, the fish from the Brazilian Amazon was caught by fishermen Tuesday (7/3/2017) at 19:00

The Arapaima fish was first seen by Imam Ismuanto, a fisherman who was looking for fish in the river

fishing by the river, near the water gate, "said Imam Ismuanto, Tuesday evening (3/7/2018).

Arapaima fish this times bigger than the discovery on Tuesday (07/07/2028) morning. "It's bigger, if the morning is 1.5 meters long and weighs 30 kilograms," said Imam

director of the environmental NGO Surabaya, Imam Rohani, adding: The results of the second fish Arapaima have been reported to the East Java Conservation Agency (BKSDA) and other institutions. " fish is dead, it is better not to bring it to the quarantine center, "said Imam Rohani. 19659002] The existence of this fish find Giant ns makes residents and road users interested in seeing up close. Not a few citizens who immortalize photos and videos via a mobile phone.

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