Arief Hajrianto, husband of Evi Masamba, photographer


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Even if they attend each other, it is relatively short, 6 months, does not reduce the sacred commitment and the intentions of Evi Masamba and Arief Hajrianto to favor a serious relationship. Obviously, the couple is officially married Wednesday (24/10) yesterday.

Received as manager of Evi Masamba at arief works as a photographer. As Evi needed a photographer, Arief, who was living in Sulawesi, was sent back to Jakarta. But it turns out that this working relationship actually produces the seeds of love.

"Short experience as a photographer Evi At that time, Evi needed a photographer from Sulawesi, it was around the beginning of the year," Diwhan said at a news conference. conversation with us.

Evi Masamba and her husband, Arief (IG)

Evi Masamba and her husband, Arief (IG)

After the wedding procession, Evi Masamba – Arief was over, it was expected that they would return to Jakarta and return to work actively in the political world.

"Remaining in Jakarta, Evi has a career in Jakarta, cut him for about a week," he said.

Arief Hajrianto married Evi Masamba with a silver dowry for 88 riyals and a set of prayer tools yesterday (24/10). The wedding ceremony and wedding reception were held on the same day at Babana Kawali Hamlet, Malangke Village, Masamba District, North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The marriages took place with local customs.

(man / radius)

L & # 39; author Abdul Rahman Syaukani

Editor Panditio Rayendra

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