Ariel Noah's answer when asked to respond with Luna Maya


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -The story of Ariel Noah's romance with Luna Maya has become a memory. But since their breakup with Reino Barack, many netizens have asked Luna Maya to reconnect with Ariel Noah.

So how did Ariel Noah respond to Internet users' demand to strengthen their ties with Luna Maya?

"Ouch, I can not answer that, I'm going first," Ariel Noah said as he left, in the area of ​​Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.

Previously, Ariel 's live action video with his band, Noah, had also had a conversation in the virtual world. In the video, Ariel Noah sings a song called Dara.

Interestingly, several spectators asked Ariel Noah not to cry. In addition, we saw Ariel Noah wipe away tears after completing the action. From there, Internet users connect Ariel Noah's cry to Luna Maya.Ariel Noah.

Clarified about the video, Ariel Noah denied crying because she remembered Luna Maya. Ariel Noah acknowledged that the heat of the scene had made him dive into sweat when he was in action.

Read: Become Chief Judge of Ariel Noah, Maia Estianty Banjir Titipan Salam

"Maybe those who see it have to be on stage, because it's hot on stage, it's not my tears, but my sweat," Ariel Noah said.


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